Friday, February 4, 2011

Afghan Policy: Schizophrenic on Numerous Levels.

"Karzai is crazy — or crazy like a fox," says Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the leading opposition figure. "He's too skillful at playing games and too retarded when it comes to the rationale. He can't play the role the people of Afghanistan and the international community expect him to play. He will get deeper and deeper into this problem and drag us down as well."

A very thought provoking article courtesy of Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone, I do not agree with every conclusion drawn in the story but thought provoking nonetheless.

Shades of Gray in Egypt through the US's eyes.

The ongoing unrest in Egypt brings numerous dirty truths about our foreign policy into the national discourse. Mubarak and his US backed three-decade reign of dictatorship are assuredly going to see its end days in the near future. No matter the outcome in Egypt, whoever steps forward and takes control of the new government our relationship with Egypt will not be the same. The new government almost certainly will not have the same American view toward foreign policy that the old regime held. The people of Egypt, if they get their wish will achieve a liberal democracy built upon their ideas and I would venture to say be reticent to reach out to the US for thoughts for their domestic agenda. The unknown’s possible outcomes will be many, one being how the US trained military in Egypt responds to the radical changes that the country will undergo. The military seems to have a strong connection with the populous and has repeatedly expressed no desire to harm anti-Mubarak protesters. Now the US has a dilemma, the policy of ignoring allies domestic policy in exchange for a puppet foreign policy is not ending well. Egypt is not the first and will not be the last country we are allies with too see its leadership threatened by a domestic protest. Lebanon, Yemen and the elephant in the room Saudi Arabia are going to see increased calls for liberalism (in its original meaning) from its own people. What does the US do, stand for liberalism even though it hurts our own interests or protect our interests at the cost of the idea of liberalism. The moral high ground of American Exceptionalism is now in focus. I’ve never been a ardent believer in the idea of American Exceptionalism as a quasi religion, as it is held in some circles, but the debate over the concept hinges on our response to each changing day in Egypt and its potential domino affect on the region.     

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Doubling Down on Stupid.

“Okay, how did the Moon get there? How’d the Moon get there? Look, you pinheads who attacked me for this, you guys are just desperate. How’d the Moon get there? How’d the Sun get there? How’d it get there? Can you explain that to me? How come we have that and Mars doesn’t have it? Venus doesn’t have it. How come? Why not? How’d it get here?”
- Before even delving into the scientific explanations for O’Reilly’s nonsensical questions  I would like to ask a question of him. If science did not have any answers to these questions why must the answer be, that God created them? This is the problem I have with most of these faith based questions. Some that have a faith in God try to wrap the answers around the worlds questions to fit in with that faith. It starts from a unreasonable premise. If the questions started from a legitimate premise of just wanting to know the possible answers to these questions, OK I could understand a bit of that. But that is not what happens, if science does not have a sufficient answer for the faithful they deduce that to mean God must have had a hand in whatever the particular subject. It is a faulty premise to even begin a debate on this issue with Bill-O and this is man who went to Boston and Harvard. The school does not make the man and that is apparent. You either subject yourself to reason or you do not. For the scientific answers to the basic astronomy question asked by O’Reilly here you go:

Reagan's Solicitor General on the constitutionality of the mandate.

I am quite sure that the health care mandate is constitutional…The mandate is a rule—more accurately, part of a system of rules by which commerce is to be governed,” to quote Chief Justice Marshall. And if that weren’t enough for you—though it is enough for me—you go back to Marshall in 1819, in McCulloch v. Maryland, where he said the powers given to the government imply the ordinary means of execution. The government which has the right to do an act—surely, to regulate health insurance—and has imposed on it the duty of performing that act, must, according to the dictates of reason, be allowed to select the means. And that is the Necessary and Proper Clause.”
-Meaning, all the constitutional scholars who cry over the  mandate being unconstitutional and portray it as a black and white issue are further advancing this ongoing phenomenon of  elementary constitutional understanding. This is a complex issue, the Supreme Court in 44’ decided that that Congress has the power to regulate health care under the necessary and proper clause (see and saying it does not violate the 5th amendment. If the mandate was renamed as a “tax” this would not be an issue making it a meaningless argument. Argue about the bill itself. The bill is bad, it does little to provide an alternative to what the system currently is while almost assuredly driving up costs. The answer has been and will always be a Public Option that is in direct competition with private insurers and if I’m not mistaken an increase in competition to drive down costs and create incentive would be a free market approach. Do not listen to the bullshit they try to sell about the Public Option driving out private insurance because those are the same people who try to sell you the “the private sector does everything better than a government bureaucracy does.” They can not have it both ways, either the Public Option will be better and more affordable for people thus driving the private insurers out of business or the Public Option will compete with the private insurers to drive down costs and still provide adequate healthcare for those you WANT to enroll in the Public Option but the private sector will still be better in terms of care. I see no problem with either scenario but then again I do not get any money from health insurance companies. 

Sums it up quite well.

“NAFTA screwed alot more young people than NAMBLA”

Insane Statistics on numbers.

Adapted from Scorecasting: The Hidden Influences Behind How Sports Are Played and Games Are Wonavailable on Amazon.
Whether we’re buying batteries at Wal-Mart, a fast-food value meal, or even a house, odds are good that the price ends in a nine. We’re numb to seeing $1.99 bottles of Coke, $24,999 cars and even $499,999 McMansions on cul-de-sacs. In the case of gasoline, the price even extends to nine-tenths of a cent, say, $2.999for a gallon of unleaded. This entire concept, of course, is silly. Purchase one gallon of $2.999 gas and it will cost you $3.00. It takes 10 gallons before you’d realize any savings—and it’s a mere penny at that—over gas priced at an even three bucks.
The difference between the price ending in a nine and the whole number is virtually meaningless, a negligible fraction of the purchase price. But test after test reveals that there is great psychological value in setting a price point just below a round number. Even among sophisticated consumers able to recognize the absurdity of it all, paying $9.99 is still somehow more palatable than paying $10.00. (Factor in sales tax, and you’re paying over $10 in both cases, which makes it more absurd.) Round numbers are powerful motivators—whether it’s to hit them or avoid them—in all sorts of contexts.
Devin Pope and Uri Simonsohn, then a pair of Wharton professors, looked at the prices of millions of used cars and found something that was, at once, peculiar and predictable: when the mileage on the vehicles eclipsed 100,000, the value dropped drastically. A car with 99,500 miles may have sold for $5,000. But once the odometer of that same car—identical year, model and condition—rolled over 500 more times and posted 100,000 miles, the value fell off a cliff. Why? Because consumers for a used car set a benchmark of 100,000 miles, and woe unto the seller whose jalopy eclipses that number.
Looking at human behavior, Pope and Simonsohn found that we’re slaves to round numbers. Every year more than a million high school students take the SAT, aiming for a round-numbered score as a performance goal. How do we know this? Until 2005, the SATs were scored between 400 and 1600 in intervals of 10. When students posted a score ending in a 90 (1090, 1190, 1290…) they were 20 percent more likely to retake the test than students whose score ended on a round number (1100, 1200, 1300.) The difference in the scores might be as small as a single question—and, according to Pope and Simonsohn, those 10 points do not disproportionately change an applicant’s chance of admission. Still, it meant everything to many teenagers (perhaps because they figured schools would have round score cut-offs). And the most noticeable difference in students who decided to retake the test? It was between those scoring 990 versus those scoring 1000.
Some of the most arresting research came when the researchers considered the behavior of Major League Baseball players. Baseball, of course, is flush with “round number targets.” Pitchers strive for 20-win seasons. Ambitious managers challenge their teams to win 100 games. Batters try like hell to avoid the notorious “Mendoza line” of a .200 average. But no benchmark is more sacred than hitting .300 in a season. It’s the line of demarcation between All-Stars and also-rans. It’s often the first statistic cited when making a case for or against a position player in arbitration. Not surprisingly, it carries huge financial value. By our calculations, the difference between two otherwise comparable players, one hitting .299 and the other .300, can be as high as two percent of salary, or, given the average major league salary, $130,000. (Note that though the average MLB salary is $3.4 million, it’s closer to $6.5 million for players batting in the .300 range.) All for .001 of a batter’s average, one extra hit out of 1,000 at-bats.
Given the stakes, hitting .300 is, not surprisingly, a goal of paramount importance among players. How do we know this? Pope and Simonsohn looked at hitters batting .299 on the final day of each season from 1975 to 2009. One hit and the players could vault above the .300 mark. With a walk, however, they wouldn’t be credited with an at-bat or a hit, so their average wouldn’t budge. What did these .299 hitters do? They swung away. Wildly. We looked at the same numbers and here’s what we found. Players hitting .300 walked 14.5 percent of the time and players hitting .298 walked 5.8 percent of the time, but in their final plate appearance of the season, players hitting .299 have never walked. In the last quarter century, no player hitting .299 has ever drawn a base on balls in his final plate appearance of the season.
The following chart highlights these numbers. Note that it spikes like the EKG of a patient in cardiac arrest.
Why There Are More .300 Hitters Than .299 Hitters, And Why It Matters
If we look at the likelihood of a walk for hitters just below .300 versus just above .300 before the last game of the season—or even during the last game but before the last at-bat—we don’t see any stark differences. But for that last at-bat, when they’re desperate to reach that .300 mark, they refuse to take a base-on-balls, swinging away to get that final hit that will put them over the line. Yet before the last game, .299 hitters actually walk slightly more than .301 hitters.
Why There Are More .300 Hitters Than .299 Hitters, And Why It Matters
What’s more surprising is that when these .299 hitters swung away, they’ve been remarkably successful. According to Pope and Simohnson, in that final at-bat of the season, .299 hitters have hit almost .430. In comparison, in their final at-bat, players hitting .300 have hit only .230. (Why, you might ask, don’t all batters employ the same strategy of swinging wildly, given the success of .299 hitters? Does this not indict their approach the rest of the season? We think not. For one, these batters never walk, so their on-base percentages are markedly lower than more conservative hitters. Also, if every batter swung away liberally throughout the season, pitchers likely would adjust accordingly and change their strategy to throw nothing but unhittable junk.)
Another way to achieve a season-ending average of .300 is to hit the goal and then preserve it. Sure enough, players hitting .300 on the season’s last day are much more likely to take the day off than are players hitting .299. Even when .300 hitters do play, in their final at-bat they are substituted for by a pinch hitter more than 34 percent of the time. In other words, more than a third of the time, a player hitting .300—an earmark of greatness—will relinquish his last at-bat to a pinch hitter. (Hey, at least his average can’t diminish.) By contrast, a .299 hitter almost never gets replaced on his last at-bat.
With the .299 players swinging with devil-may-care abandon and the .300 hitters reluctant to play, you probably guessed the impact: After the final game of the season, there are disproportionately more .300 hitters than .299 hitters. On thesecond-to-last day of the season, the percentage of .299 and .300 hitters is almost identical—about 0.80 percent of players are hitting .299, vs. 0.79 percent of players hitting .300. However, after the last day of the season the proportion of .299 hitters drops by more than half to less than .40 percent and the proportion of .300 hitters rises to 1.40 percent, more than a twofold increase.
Why There Are More .300 Hitters Than .299 Hitters, And Why It Matters
Looking at the Pitch f/x data, which tracks not only the location but the speed, movement and type of every pitch thrown, we found that neither the location, type of pitch, speed, movement, or any measurable attribute of pitches was reliably different when a pitcher faces a batter with a batting average just below the .300 mark at the end of the season. Pitchers are either unaware that batters are just shy of .300 or don’t care—they pitch the same way to the .299 hitter as they do to the .300 batter.
Data, however, tells us what isn’t the same: batters hitting .299 swung more liberally, taking fewer called strikes and balls but having more swings and misses, even when facing three balls in the count. In their last at-bat they did everything possible not to draw a walk. As a result, they got more hits. In comparison, .300 batters drew many walks and did not swing on three-ball counts.
Of course, the .300 mark isn’t the only round number players strive to attain. The century mark for RBIs is another coveted goal, and so we see the same pattern, with many more players than expected ending the season with 100 RBIs, and far fewer ending with 99. And again, the differences are mostly generated from the last game and even the last at-bat of the season.
The same pattern emerges for those players with 19 or 29 (or 39 or 49) home runs. Players do everything possible to move up to the next round number. So on their last at bat they swing for the fences. We see a disproportionate number of players hitting 20 or 30 (or 40 or 50) home runs compared to 19 or 29 (or 39 or 49) home runs, often thanks to that last at-bat.
And, like achieving a .300 batting average, the difference between hitting 99 and 100 RBIs, or 29 versus 30 home runs, or 19 versus 20 wins as a pitcher, is worth real money in terms of future salary. Teams, owners, and GMs clearly value the higher round numbers. In this respect, players may be acting economically rational, responding to the incentives provided by teams to do everything they can on their last at-bat to reach those numbers.
We also noticed something else. The numbers above and those from the study only looked back to 1975, when free agency existed. We took a look at the data going back to the early part of the 20th century until the early 1970s, before free agency. We found that the number of players hitting round numbers exactly, relative to those just missing them, diminished significantly before the free agent era. Another clue that players are responding to the financial lure of round numbers.
The puzzle is why the Republic of Sports values round numbers so much. One might even contend they should value round numbers less because they are being gamed by the players. Is the extra salary paid for a .300 hitter worth so much more when it is largely determined by a single at-bat on the last play in what was likely a meaningless game at the end of the season? Or when it was attained sitting out the last game to ensure the player’s average didn’t go down? The difference between a .300 and .299 hitter is negligible—one misdirected ground ball, one blooper into short center field, one random bounce, one generous judgment by an official scorer over the course of a season. We would argue .300 and .301 hitters are overvalued, and .298 and .299 hitters are undervalued. A hedge fund manager would spot this as an “arbitrage”opportunity, and would unload the overvalued asset and buy the undervalued one. A savvy GM might consider doing the same: trading the .300 or .301 hitter for a player who hit just under .300, saving many thousands without affecting the hitting performance of his lineup.

Embarrassingly Wasteful

What a waste of money

You show me a 30ft. fence, I will show you a 31ft. Ladder

The Phony Debate about Healthcare

Every election cycle we hear about everything a particular candidate stands for and wants to accomplish, be that in Congressional or in Presidential election races. Then we get to hear about it again once a year with the State of the Union address and its varied responses. Not one candidate is actually serious about the problems we face when confronted with a direct question. Take the healthcare debate which Republicans claim their message of repeal got them the elected majority in the House, yet if you separate the individual provision in the Healthcare bill; 61%* favor the prevention of health insurance companies dropping coverage for people who become seriously ill, 64%* favor yet 60%* oppose the mandate on the individual to buy health insurance. Exactly, people are stupid. Every pollster knows its how you phrase the question in determining how you can achieve your intended results. People like the good stuff but do not like paying for the good stuff. That is not really an earth shattering discovery. There is a reason the saying, you can’t have your cake and eat it too exists…people are like that! They want the whole damn cake. This situation is no different. The absurd reference of this healthcare bill being a government takeover is a fantastical creation from the mind of Frank Putz, o sorry Frank Lutz. This bill created a pool of 30 million currently uninsured individuals and delivers them to the insurance companies doorsteps, its like capitalism on steroids. It was a shitty bill when Bob Dole proposed it and it is still a shitty bill now that the Democrats have co-opted it. The whole debate is framed incorrectly. Make the debate a moral issue. Ask Americans if they feel that it is wrong that they live in a country where if you lose your job you lose your health insurance or if they feel it is wrong that they live in a country where insurance companies can drop your coverage because you’ve become too sick, how do they feel about living in a country where insurance companies can deny you coverage because of any pre-existing condition they feel warrants a denial? Framing the question morally will heed much different results because by in large people know shit from roses and right now were being sold shit and being told look closer its really roses. 
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”-Einstein 


Why is this lady talking?

Michele Bachmann you should try selling sham wows, with that combination of Stepford wife facial expressions, Perot like graph presentations and informerical-esque hand gestures you can fill the shoes Billy Mays and Vince the crack head have left. Honestly who can take this woman seriously. Aside from the utter falsehood about the 16,000 new IRS agents, forcing citizens with the fear of an audit to buy health insurance (a dubious claim considering the IRS employs roughly 17,000 agents…total) your speech was embarrassingly shallow. “The government tells you what light bulb you can buy.” Um, that law was signed by George W. Bush which you neglect to mention but given your seemingly staunch opposition to government intervention and intellectual acumen I’ll venture to say you didn’t know that. The term balloon head does not do you justice, I refuse believe someone could be as dumb as you put on. So that leaves me with the conclusion that you willingly put up this front to play the lowest common denominator game with your base. Shame on…Ah F’ it, Solomon Short sums you up perfectly Rep.Bachmann, “Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb about.”